Diamond Pure Water Filtration




Compare the Benefits of Renting vs Owning

Diamond Pure Water Filtration offers month-to-month rentals for reverse osmosis drinking water (water purification) systems and water softeners . All filter changes and maintenance are included in the monthly fee. We will send you a notice every 12 months to service your system. When you receive the reminder in the mail, just pick up the phone and we will schedule an appointment at your convenience.

Should any problem occur, one of our knowledgeable technicians will go out to repair your equipment at no additional cost to you. All repair costs are included in the monthly rental fee.

Renting a reverse osmosis unit or water softener will save money and provide peace of mind that the quality of water you have in your home or business is of high purity. Which makes more financial sense for your individual needs, renting or purchasing?

Diamond Pure Water Filtration guarantees you 100% satisfaction the entire time you rent one of our systems. Our main objective is to do whatever it takes to keep you as a life time customer. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff strives to provide the best service in the area.

Whether you rent or purchase your Diamond Pure Water Filtration Water System or Water Softener, you will be able to take advantage of the following benefits.

Rental Benefits

Purchase Benefits

Check with Diamond Pure Water Filtration for the Most Current Offer

And for more information on water softener and drinking water system rental prices. Call (909) 295-1364 today for free water analysis or speak to one of our of knowledgeable technicians to discuss any service you might need for your home or business.